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Google Analytics Event Tracking now in MaxButtons Pro

Google Analytics Event Tracking

On Friday we released version 3.07 of MaxButtons Pro.  This upgrade primarily implements Google Analytics Event Tracking for clicks on buttons.  If you are already a GA pro you immediately understand how valuable and powerful this new feature is.

Google Analytics has no way of seeing individual elements on your site.  Its Event Tracking feature was built to fix this by sending data from these elements (like your valuable call to action and buy now buttons) to GA.  Buttons set up with Event Tracking can also be used in your goal funnel to more specifically see the flow of your users through your site.

But normally to send this data you would have to code by hand each of your buttons.  Which means hours of coding, debugging and testing.  Not a recipe for increasing bliss and harmony. But just as easy as MaxButtons is in making buttons it is just as easy to set up GA Event Tracking.

Here’s a bit more information on how to get Event Tracking up and running. But start by updating MaxButtons Pro from your site’s dashboard or downloading the latest version from your account page.

German Translation now Available

As we mentioned last week we have been working through the process of providing MaxButtons and MaxButtons Pro in most of our users’ native languages.  With the help of Roland Stumpp we have also implemented MaxButtons Pro in German which is included in version 3.07.  Setting up a process for the translation into other languages is on the todo list!

Other Stuff

We have released almost 15 Buy Now button packs over the last two months.  At the same time we are going through the entire library of 212 button packs and refreshing the ones we have.  MaxButtons Pro is the largest WordPress Button library in the known universe with over 4,600 professionally designed, ready to use buttons!

Now we are off working on a new upgrade that is so massive we can hardly “contain” ourselves.

Yours in buttons,

The Max Foundry team