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New WordPress Buttons Pack: Opaque Social Buttons

The most recent version of MaxButtons Pro now offers the ability to change the opacity of the buttons. This set is not white, they are actually see through so that your sites background color will show through. Download today and check out this new feature! We’ve included 30 commonly used social media sites and other apps that you can feature on your website or blog without worrying if the button style matches your theme. Some of the not so common icons include Amazon, Forrst, Barnes & Noble, Windows 8, Smashwords and more, but if you would like to request one, please email

Don’t forget about our best deal, the All-In-One package, which gets you everything we have for only $99. This includes the MaxButtons Pro plugin, the 128 current button packs, and all new button packs for one year. You save a whopping 84% compared to buying everything individually, regularly valued at $659.

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WordPress Buttons Pack - Opaque Social Buttons


Opaque Buttons so the background of your site color shows through

Like all of our WordPress buttons packs Opaque Social Buttons is just $5.

Like these icons and css3 buttons? They were created with MaxButtons Pro, a CSS3 button generator for WordPress Buttons. Stay up-to-date with daily releases by subscribing to our feed. We hope you enjoy these Opaque Social WordPress Buttons!