Many people need to have multiple buttons with the same general design, but just with a different link or text.
No need to copy
We often see people with hundreds of buttons. It not only becomes hard to update the site, but also to find the correct button you want to use.
When properly using our shortcodes, this becomes a thing of the past. It’s super simple and will greatly improve your life …
Shortcodes in Classic Editor
To unleash the power of our shortcode, just open a page or posts in the classic editor.

On the toolbar you will see ‘Add Button’. Clicking on this button will open a modal with all your button. Select one and click ‘Use this button’

Above screen comes up. Here, you can simply change options like the URL and the Text (and some more). The resulting shortcode will be put in your page or post. If you later want to change it, you can just update it directly in the post editor.
Shortcodes in Gutenberg
Using Maxbuttons in the Gutenberg editor is easy. If you want to add a button to a text block: See the above Classic Editor guide.
MaxButtons PRO 8 also has a special Gutenberg block. When adding a new block, look for ‘MaxButtons Block’.

On the right pane you see an option to Select a Button . This will open the MaxButtons Modal where you can pick your button.

Here you see options for Text and URL. You can change these on the fly, and if you need, edit them later as well.
It’s simple as that and never again will you need to copy the same buttons over and over again.
Shortcode, explained
If you want to add the shortcode to elsewhere, you can easily create one yourself, with different option. It’s quite easy.
[ maxbutton id=”x” text=”example” url=””]
This is a basic shortcode. Except for id , all other fields are optional. Include them only if you want to change something.
We can easily load a button from our site. Shortcode will be: [maxbutton id=1
You see it links to google and has ‘Google’ as text. Now image we want to keep the design, but elsewhere change the Text and URL.
This is easy to do. Let’s see how the same button looks like, but with this shortcode: [maxbutton id=1 text="Bing" url=""
That’s all that is needed. In the Button editor you will find a link called How to make your life better with more examples

If you don’t need to change the style. Never, ever, copy a button.